My sweet Jesus has done it again! After a crazy busy spring and summer I will confess I have not been enjoying precious quiet time with Him as much as I should have, in order to survive my crazy busy spring and summer! So this past week I have made a concentrated effort to start back with my QT, focusing on the verse in Psalms to "restore to my the JOY of Your salvation." I knew all along He has been here, because He promised not to leave me or forsake me, but I also knew I had to been seeking Him out. So last week when more busyness and decisions needed to be made, I just really started pouring my heart out to Him and seeking His wisdom.
One of the things this summer we have been trying to figure out is how to get a cell phone for Rebecca. Now, that may be a no brainer for some of you, but we really had several variables that went into this. No need to for all the details, but the money aspect was one of them. We were trying to find the best deal that would work for us that wasn't going to cost an arm and a leg! We had finally narrowed it down to two options, but had not made the final decision, because then we start thinking about all the other expenses we knew were coming up this fall. Not necessarily big ones, but all that little nickel and dime stuff that adds up.
So back to the flute. Last week Rebecca had a birthday party and one of her friends was not able to come. She saw her Sunday afternoon, and gave her her birthday present. Can you guess what it was?!? A flute!!! A real, honest to goodness flute with all the accessories and she just gave it to her! They hadn't used it in a long time and no one else was going to play it, so they just blessed us with it.
What does this flute represent? This flute represents $20 we don't have to pay anymore to rent one. This flute represents a chunk of what her cell phone bill was going to be. This flute represents God's provision for us. This flute represents a sign to me that God is going to take care of us. This flute represents God taking care of our details.
And the icing on the cake? On the case it said it is a "Hallelu Flute". As in, Hallelujah.