Thursday, September 25, 2008

God Moment on the stairs

Can one have a God Moment on the stairs? I sure did only moments ago. I was carrying all 40+ pounds of Katie up the stairs to nap (just because I wanted to) and she instinctively reached over to grab the railing. All of my kids do this, I am sure out of habit, but probably also because they may not feel they can trust me enough to hold onto them without us falling. I remind them over and over that if they will hold on to just me, I can balance easier and there is less chance we will fall.

So today I'm carrying Katie up and she reaches over to the railing. I again start to remind her to let go and trust me and SMACK! there it is, right in my face. I see God carrying me and me always reaching out to ___________ (fill in the blank for the crutch of the moment) to steady me because maybe I am not sure God can handle this? Or maybe out of habit? Either way, it is time to stop. It is time to let go and trust God and stop making other things my crutches to "help God along" ... I encourage you to do the same....


Monday, September 22, 2008

Laughing my head off

Ok, I'm not one to routinely get a mani/pedi, in fact I have only had 3 in my whole life, but this video made me laugh so hard I thought I would wet my pants! I actually found it on a blog from someone who posted on Leslie's site. Not sure if they even know each other....isn't it a crazy techno-world?

Enjoy, and girls, you might want to wear a minipad just in case..


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Susannah is coming home! Words that could hardly come early this week in sorrow and disappointment are now also at a loss with overflowing joy!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Praise HIM all creatures here below!
Praise HIM above, ye heavenly hosts!
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Semi-Wordless Wednesday

YOU have sent many bitter troubles Susannah's way.
But YOU will give her new life.
Even if she's almost in the grave,
YOU will bring her back.

Ps. 71:20, NiRv

Friday, September 12, 2008

Still no mp3 ...

The bounty has now been raised to $5 so if anyone wants to come to my house and search any possible square inch that we have missed the money is all yours. Come quickly, SoloHombre says he's not buying me a new one (even though it's not my fault it is lost!) so I gotta find the old one. Besides, a new one wouldn't have my pictures on it, or my sweet girls voicing prayers over me to listen to while I was in Thailand!

Where oh where has my mp3 gone?
Where oh were could it be?

(again, imagine this Melissa singing, not me!)


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Following in Mommy's footsteps...

This is how I found Katie and Leah this morning at 6:45, just bunched in that old blue chair that I love but takes up too much room, looking nearly like twins and reading books. I just went and loved and loved on them, a moment to treasure before the morning madness began.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

To copy Big Nanny's idea, this is Katie's last first day of preschool. How does she get so big so fast?!?