Thursday, September 25, 2008

God Moment on the stairs

Can one have a God Moment on the stairs? I sure did only moments ago. I was carrying all 40+ pounds of Katie up the stairs to nap (just because I wanted to) and she instinctively reached over to grab the railing. All of my kids do this, I am sure out of habit, but probably also because they may not feel they can trust me enough to hold onto them without us falling. I remind them over and over that if they will hold on to just me, I can balance easier and there is less chance we will fall.

So today I'm carrying Katie up and she reaches over to the railing. I again start to remind her to let go and trust me and SMACK! there it is, right in my face. I see God carrying me and me always reaching out to ___________ (fill in the blank for the crutch of the moment) to steady me because maybe I am not sure God can handle this? Or maybe out of habit? Either way, it is time to stop. It is time to let go and trust God and stop making other things my crutches to "help God along" ... I encourage you to do the same....



Betty said...

I hear you sister! This is a constant personal prayer for me, my hubby and my children as life can get so hectic! Thanks for the frendly reminder!

Melissa Lee said...

Hey girl,

Where you there on Saturday? I probably saw you. Heck, I probably spoke to you. But I have slept (very little) since then and so I have forgotten EVERYTHING.

Always love hearing from you on my bloggola.

Did your girls enjoy it?? How did the keynote speaker do? I missed it.
