Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Trouble with Cowboys, book #5

Well this month's Book Club choice was up to me.  The genre was supposed to be Western, but sometimes we get off course with the schedule.  A few of the ladies and I decided we wanted to read this one so we did.  And I was not disappointed.  Light, cute, quick .. not really pioneers out west, but cowboys so that is pretty close.

Only one pair of boots—and the cowboy wearing them—can get Annie out of the mess she’s in.  Annie Wilkerson is Moose Creek’s premiere horse trainer and equine columnist for Montana Living. Money is tight as she tries to put her kid-sister through college and provide for her young nephew. When Annie’s column is cancelled, she’s given first shot at a new lovelorn column—and she can’t afford to turn it down. Only problem is . . . Annie’s never been in love.  Always resourceful, she reluctantly strikes a deal with the town’s smooth-talking ladies’ man Dylan Taylor: She’ll work with his ailing horse, Braveheart, if he’ll help her answer the reader letters.  Working closely with Dylan is harder than Annie imagined, and she quickly realizes she may have misjudged him. But her unwavering conviction that cowboys are nothing but trouble has kept her heart safe for years. And she can’t risk getting hurt now.  The more Annie tries to control things, the more they fall apart. Her feelings are spinning out of control, and her sister’s antics are making life increasingly more difficult. Annie knows she needs to turn the reins over to God, but surrender has never come easily.  When Dylan reveals his feelings for her, Annie doesn’t know what to trust—her head or her heart. The trouble with this cowboy is that he might just be exactly what she needs. (picture and description from amazon)

Now I am going to go back and read the book some other ladies wanted ~ and see if I get done in time!

Happy Reading!


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Good of Giving Up, book #4

Folks, this book just blew my mind WIDE OPEN to what all Lent is ~ what it means ~ what it can do ~ and why I should do it. A few quotes from the book:

The desert is where God called his people to make them holy. We might assume that the wilderness is a place of exile and isolation, and it certainly can be that. But in the story of redemption, the wilderness has always been a sacred rendezvous spot for God and His beloved sons and daughter.

We do not go into the wilderness to find Good. We enter the wilderness because God has found us.

We need more than a Good Friday service two days in advance to get into the state of mind and heart to celebrate Jesus' victory over death and hell.

Lent is not our ultimate destination. The wilderness fast is temporary ... The bright light of the resurrection is ahead.

Hebrews 12
12 Therefore, *since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses*, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. ~~ A cloud of witnesses invites us to feast on Jesus through fasting, prayer and generosity [the trifecta of Lent]. Along with Jesus they are cheering for us to sit at the table. To do so may mean that we lay aside some comfortable hindrances, that we say goodbye to a few attachments. "Good riddance, I want a seat next to Jesus at the table!" That is what I'm called to do. And so are you.

We need Lent because repentance is not just a prayer. It is a posture. We need time and space to become repentant people, to experience the depths of Jesus' forgiveness.

Practicing Lent is like taking a long bath in the wonderful grace of Jesus.

And so we trekked out to the wilderness of Lent, unsatisfied on purpose, clinging to the promise of something better than the world could ever offer. So we put one weary foot in front of the other, fueled by the hope of Easter. And one glad morning we find that the journey is over. Lent has come to an end. ... When we come hungry to Easter, Jesus is ready to satisfy us with a heavenly meal. ... We are nourished by Jesus as Scripture is read, as the gospel is preached, as songs are played, and as communion is served.

Romans 8:18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

Even if you don't read it for this season, it’s an incredible book and you will WANT to read it!!

(picture from amazon)

Happy Reading!


Friday, February 2, 2018

The Goodbye Bride, book #3

This book had so much potential.  The story was ok, but there is so many things that just didn't make sense.  Loved the story, disappointed in the delivery.

She only remembers loving him. But he can’t forget the way she left. Lucy Lovett can’t remember the last seven months of her life.  She doesn’t remember leaving her fiancé Zac Callahan weeks before their wedding or moving to Portland, Maine. And she sure doesn’t remember getting engaged to another man. All she remembers is loving Zac more than life itself.  Zac was just beginning to get his life back on track after Lucy left him with no explanation. And now she’s back—vulnerable, homeless, and still in love with him. Has he been given a second chance with the only woman who stirs his passion and haunts his dreams?  Lucy knows she must unlock those missing months and discover why she threw everything away. And Zac knows that if he follows his heart he’ll win back the love of his life—but if Lucy’s memory returns, his would-be bride might say goodbye forever.(picture and description at amazon)

I've actually started on a nonfiction book .... hope I can stick with it!

And, I've started a Bible Reading Plan, but this time I'm not listing those as books read.  

Happy Reading!