Saturday, December 22, 2012

Books, #4

Wrapped in a cloud of steam, the engine rolled to a stop, the screech of metal against metal filling the frosty air. Snow blew across the railway platform and around Meg’s calfskin walking boots. The weather definitely was not improving.

She ordered tea with milk and sugar, eying the currant buns and sweet mincemeat tarts displayed beneath a bell jar.
Later, perhaps, when her appetite returned. At the moment her stomach was twisted into a knot.

“Anything else for you?” the cashier asked as she handed over the tea, steaming and fragrant.

Meg was surprised to find her fingers trembling when she lifted the cup. “All I want is a safe journey home.”

“On a day like this?” the round-faced woman exclaimed. “None but the Almighty can promise you that, lass.”   (description and picture from Amazon)

Another fun book that was a fairly quick read, although I needed to stay snuggled under the covers to read it, it made me so cold!!!  :)

Funny story about this one.  It was on my list to read (aka, nightstand) but I knew I was going to be very busy the last few days and was trying to best to resist the temptation.  But then my mom called on Monday and told me her Book Club had read it and loved it.  AND, since Liz Curtis Higgs lives in Louisville (where my parents are) she actually came to their little meeting!  Of course, living here in NashVegas we are used to famous people around all the time (ha!) but my mom was in awe of meeting the author, and especially someone as famous as LCHiggs.  So then I had to toss everything aside and get started on it so I could see how awesome it was!  

Hoping to take a reading break, but this week and travelling (or getting snowed in!) looks like prime reading opportunities to me!


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