Sunday, February 5, 2017

Pink Flamingoed, book #3

Look at this book.  Look at this title.  Read the description.  This looks like it should be the funniest book ever written, right?  Uhm, not quite.  While there were funny parts to it, it was, well, simple.  Plain.  Not necessarily too much description because I do like that, but too much "told".  I really didn't need that much of an imagination to read it.  I do like stories with some details so I'm not lost the whole time (see previous book) but this was the opposite and I could read it half asleep and not miss too much.  Luckily it was a short book and didn't take too long.  There are more in this series, but I'm going to have to take a break and read some meat.  Or bread.  Or at least milk.

When best-selling mystery author Brad Forrester inherits his grandparents' home on Aylesford Place, he sees the sleepy street as the perfect place to hole up and write his next book. What he finds instead is a cock-eyed cul-de-sac full of zany, yet loveable characters including one vivacious redhead who may just be the love he's been looking for. Join Brad for a year of block parties, pranks, romance and the ever-present faith in action that flows through Aylesford Place, making it one street you'll never want to leave. (picture and description from amazon)

I debated about what to read next, and chose something potentially with more substance.  It is also a quick read so if i don't like it I won't have to suffer long.  


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