Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Secret to Hummingbird Cake, book #29

So this was interesting read.  It didn't take me too long before I realized this was not a Christian Fiction book.  Not that I am a complete snob, but when that is what you are used to reading and then you read a book that isn't, it takes me by surprise.  Reading books like this, and watching the TV shows I do, are a reminder to me that not everyone lives like I do.  Having the privilege of knowing Jesus makes me wonder how people in this world can live without Him.

In the South you always say “yes, ma’am” and “no, ma’am.” You know everybody’s business. Football is a lifestyle not a pastime. Food—especially dessert— is almost a religious experience. And you protect your friends as fiercely as you protect your family— even if the threat is something you cannot see.  In this spot-on Southern novel brimming with wit and authenticity, you’ll laugh alongside lifelong friends, navigate the sometimes rocky path of marriage, and roll through the outrageous curveballs that life sometimes throws . . . from devastating pain to absolute joy. And if you’re lucky, you just may discover the secret to hummingbird cake along the way. (picture and description from Amazon)

This book was about Carri, Ellie Rae and Laine; three best friends from childhood.  There are funny parts too it, but it is a whole lot more sad and I really didn't care for it as much as I thought it did.  

But, like I said, it's time for Christmas books!


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