Sunday, August 11, 2019

Seamless, book #15

Loved, loved, loved this Bible Study I quickly did!  Since our dear Lifeway stores are going out of business :( I grabbed this book up because I had had my eye on it for a good while.  Katie actually did this earlier this year and really enjoyed it.  Neither of us watched the videos that went with it, but we didn't feel like we missed anything.  There may have been extra nuggets we didn't get, but not watching the videos did not take anything away from it.  

Even though I may not have learned too much new from it, I loved her easy writing style that made you feel like she was actually at the table having coffee with you.  She honestly admits she is not a Bible scholar, but you can tell she did extensive research, with probably only about 1/4 or less of what she learned actually in the book.  Her purpose for the book was not an in depth study, but more of an overview of how all the stories in the Bible fit together in God's big plan for us, His beloved bride.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who may not have had as much time in the Word - or new Christians - or old Christians who may never have gotten it - to see how all the stories come together with one purpose.  

In 7 sessions, Seamless covers the people, places, and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. Whether you've grown up hearing Bible stories or you're exploring Scripture for the first time, the full story of the Bible can be overwhelming. Experience the Bible as a whole as you gain clarity and confidence in your understanding of Scripture. Discover a biblical context that reshapes and brings to life stories from the Old and New Testaments. (picture and description - and more info - at Lifeway Stores)

I am now simultaneously trying to finish up my book club book AND some of my book club buddies and I are starting a new Bible Study!!

Keep Reading!


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