Wednesday, July 7, 2021

When We Were Young, book #17


Hhm.  What to say about this book.  While at first in Book Club we read A LOT of Karen Kingsbury, in the last 5 years or so we have not read as many.  She is a very prolific writer, and we even once went to see her speak.*  But I think her books for a while just got too much too fast.  She has written well over 100 books in the last 30 years.  

This one, I just never could figure out.  There were flashbacks, flash forwards, present time, a lot of story lines .... but I persevered.  I think I might like to pick up another one of her books, one that is not part of a series.  I have read several of her stand alones and they were good, so I might give her another shot.  

What if you could see into the future and know what will happen tomorrow, if you really walk out that door today. Pay attention. Life is not a dress rehearsal.  From their first meeting, to their stunning engagement and lavish wedding, to their happily-ever-after, Noah and Emily Carter seemed meant to be. They have a special kind of love—and they want the world to know. More than a million adoring fans have followed their lives on Instagram since the day Noah publicly proposed to Emily. But behind the carefully staged photos and encouraging posts, their life is anything but a fairytale, and Noah’s obsession with social media has ruined everything.  Distraught, Emily reaches out to her friend Kari Baxter Taylor and tells her the truth: Noah and Emily have decided to call it quits. He is leaving in the morning.  But when Noah wakes the next day, everything is different. Emily is gone and the kids are years older. Like Scrooge in A Christmas Carol, bizarre and strange events continue throughout the night so thatNoah is certain he’s twenty years older, and he is desperate for a second chance.  Now it would take a miracle to return to yesterday.  When We Were Young is a rare and beautiful love story that takes place in a single day. It’s about knowing what tomorrow will bring if you really walk out that door today—and the gift of being able to choose differently.  (picture and description at Amazon)

*Funny story about when we met her.  This must have been in the early 2000s and I was still part of the OG Book Club that met during the day.  [It started in the day, then some ladies who couldn't meet during the day started a night one.  Then all the ladies who went to the day one got jobs, so it fizzled out and now I go to the night one.]  There were about 10-15 of us going in two vans to somewhere in Alabama to hear her one night.  I guess I wasn't paying attention, I was just so excited to have a night out away from the kids.  I thought we were going to see Francine Rivers, another popular author at the time.  I even brought my Francine River book for her to sign!  But no one ways anything about it til we get there that it is Karen Kingsbury we are seeing, not Francine!  SMH  
But here is the interesting thing ~ it was actually Francine Rivers who inspired Karen to start writing more Christian fiction and not the other books she was writing.  

Keep reading!


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