Saturday, June 22, 2024

Terri, book #23


This book was a slow start, but once I finally got into it I found it quite enjoyable.  Good enough to go back and read the other ones in the series?  Not anytime soon, but maybe later.  

She’s always longed for more…  Running a thriving daycare keeps Terri Hayes busy. Add a new foster daughter to the mix and Terri shouldn’t have time to want more—but she does. At twenty-nine, her biological clock is ticking away. When a busted pipe floods her home, she finds temporary sanctuary in a basement apartment—one that just happens to be owned by her long-time crush, single dad Steve Evans.
Is he ready to date again?  Steve is widower, a father of two teenaged girls, and a successful writer. His life is full, but he wouldn’t mind exploring a romance with Terri. But when lines of communication get crossed, the budding relationship grounds to a halt.
Two matchmakers to the rescue…  Iris and Samantha Evans want a stepmother and have set their sights on Terri. Their matchmaking includes equal parts prayer and deception. Will their scheming result in the wedding of their dreams, or will the harsh confrontation between Steve and the parents of Terri’s foster child be an obstacle they can’t overcome?  (book and description from Amazon)

Since the non-fiction book I referenced before actually starts with "U" and I am half way through and book club isn't until next week, I decided to focus on it and finish it before jumping into whatever our picker chooses next week!

Keep Reading!


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