Sunday, April 3, 2016

They called her Mrs. Doc, book #8

Book #8?  Since February?  Yes, folks, it is true.  Life has been a roller coaster of twists and turns and upside down and right side up and corkscrews and every other THING that can happen on a coaster and reading of most any sort is just downright impossible.  I have been working through a Jen Hatmaker book, but had to pause that to read this for Book Club.

It was a sweet little story, and I'm always a sucker for pioneers.  Not much depth, not many plot twists, but a good story about her life and how she lived it out through her ups and downs, and how the LORD helped her through it.

The only daughter of a noted Montreal physician and educator, Cassandra Dell Winston enjoys all the opportunities of eastern society and affluence. She has never dreamed of any other life.  Then a serious and conscientious young doctor begins coming to dinner, turning her world upside down. As Mrs. Samuel Smith, Cassandra agrees to move with her husband to the frontier. But nothing has prepared her for the difficulties of life out west. Dare she pray that the move is only temporary and they will soon return to the city? Will she ever be able to embrace life as "Mrs. Doc"?

Since we chose a book #2 in a series for Book Club for April, I'm going to make an attempt to read #1 before starting the other one.  We shall see how that goes ... 

Happy Reading!

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