Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Frazzled Female, Book #13

Ok, no I did not just read this book yesterday, but I could have, if I didn't have anything else to do.  But wait, I'm a Frazzled Female so I couldn't have had a day with nothing to do!!

I actually worked through this precious devotional book after the new year and mostly finished in mid-February.  Then I started with James from my BFF Beth Moore :) and didn't have the time to go back and recap what I learned from this.  But now, James is done and this morning I went back and reabsorbed this awesome book!  

I went through and made notes at the end of each of the six sections (one for each week) and ended up with no less than nearly 50 good things I want to remember.  I believe this book is one that is staying downstairs handy, and not shoved on a bookcase upstairs to be lost until I rediscover it again.  

I have done Cindi's short Bible Study on this before, but this particular book was a donation to the library so I grabbed it up.  I'm not even sure how long I have had it, but I thought it would be good to do this season.  I had no idea the roller coaster it would take me on!  What I love about Cindi's books on this topic is that she not only discusses the spiritual aspect, but also ties in practical information.  She takes verses that we all know and love, and totally applies them to handling your crazy, frazzled life.  And not in an "un-theological" way, but in a way that makes you realize God really does care about the dirty dishes and laundry piled up AND your attitude towards it!!!  

Here are a few of the high points of the book for me:

1. Thinking positively does not come naturally.
2. An accumulation of common daily hassles sneak up on us and rob us of joy and a positive attitude.
3. The power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power that we have to change our thought process.
4. What is in your life that the power of the Living God cannot handle?
5. We should let God schedule our day because when He is in control we can actually get done what needs to get done.
6. We should make Jesus the priority in our lives ~ we are the priority of His!!
7. Lord, when I am in a situation that makes me really mad, help to just make it not matter.
8. Sin is a THIEF that will rob you of God's blessings.
9. God doesn't want you to stay in a place of hurt, but He allowed these things to happen to bring you to a repentance.  And boy did He open my eyes to something that was BIG in my life and I didn't even see the sin in it!
10. Even when you don't feel free, you still are.

Ok, enough about me...  

If you are stressed, fatigued, overwhelmed, frustrated, and just outright exhausted to the core, you probably have the "Frazzled Female Syndrome." If you don't do something soon, your constant juggling-act will leave you a useless mess. Cindi Wood, author and speaker, teaches the "strung out and frazzled" how to manage the stresses of life with a close relationship with Jesus Christ. This 30-day devotional journal assists you in finding God's peace in the midst of chaos.(picture and description from


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