Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Duck Commander Family, Book #29

Ok, we are a little behind on the whole Duck Dynasty thing, but we are trying to catch up fast.  We have fallen in love with the Robertsons, even if the show is a little hokey at times.  It bothered me a little at first, after getting burned with Jon & Kate, and I had to wonder how much was true and how much was made up because it makes a good story.  But as I was discussing this with a friend of mine, she enlightened me in this way, "Who cares if it is real or not, it's hysterically funny and its clean family fun!"  That freed me to sit back and enjoy the ride, wherever it may lead!!!

Faith. Family. Ducks—in that order.This book gives readers an up-close and personal, behind-the-scenes look at the family in the exploding A&E show—Duck Dynasty. This Louisiana bayou family operates Duck Commander, a booming family business that has made them millions. You’ll hear all about the Robertson clan from Willie and what it was like growing up in the Robertson household. You’ll sample some of Willie’s favorite family recipes from Phil, Kay, and even some of his own concoctions; and you’ll get to know the beautiful Robertson women. You’ll hear from Korie about the joys and hardships of raising a family, running a business, and wrangling the Robertson men while staying fashionable and beautiful inside and out. Discover more about the family dynamics between brothers Willie, Jase, Jep, and parents Phil and Kay. You’ll even meet a fourth brother who isn’t in the show. (picture and description from

Now, back to Blossom Street!!


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