Thursday, January 14, 2016

New Year, New books to read!!

Well, another year has now started and it brings with us a new chance to read many more books.  Some I will love, some I will hate, some I could care less about, some will become my new favorites, some I will want to throw across the room when I am done .... BUT!  I won't know anything about them until I read them!  

Here one of the amazing things about reading ... it transports you back and forth between different worlds, different times, different places.  I remember last year reading this book while waiting at the tumbling studio with Katie.  During this particular instance I am thinking of, in the book they were on the Mayflower during the treacherous trip over the seas.  So here I am reading this book, practially seasick myself reading it, then I glance up to see what Katie is doing and BOOM!  Back in 2015.  Ok, just boring cartwheels, back to the book.  BOOM!  Back on the ship getting dizzy, wrapped up in their lives, but wait!  BOOM!  They have moved on the back handsprings!  Will she get it this time?  No, not yet.  Back to the book.  Drama ensues over who is going to be in charge once they land.  How will it be handled?  Wait!  Did I just miss her getting her handspring? No, just stretches. Ok, back to the book.  And so it goes  .....  this is just one example of how you can so easily be in two places at one time.

I did finish reading the last two books in the Mail Order Brides series and thoroughly enjoyed nearly all of them.  Sometimes when you have a series of short stories like that with 6 stories which were nearly all the same it can get boring, but actually each story had a small twist to it.  And, as I was reading all those cold books (pioneers always have cold, snowy Christmases!) and reading about all the work they had to do to make sure there was enough wood, taking caring of the animals, etc it made me glad.  I do love reading about pioneers, watching movies about pioneers, visiting pioneer sites, (I'd really love to take a covered wagon trip!) but the reality is that I'm pretty happy here in 2016 with my warm house, my Kroger close, no animals I have to take care of, my microwave, refrigerator, full pantry, etc.  

So, after I finished those books, I again had my bibliographic dilemma. One morning I was trying to get ready for work quick and had to decide on the next book to read so I could take it with me to read at lunch.  Too early to start Book Club book, want to read a physical book, not pioneers, not a long one .... I ended up with The Language of Sycamores, in the series from my mom.  I wasn't that excited about reading it, but I was going to go ahead with it to make an attempt to clear out that pile.  At first I was not enjoying it that much, as this book had more about the feelings of the characters, the past, etc and not as much about the events in the story.  (It was interesting to me, though, that I could remember bits and pieces about the first book in the series and how the second book, which I did not like at all, now makes sense.)  In the end, though I absolutely LOVED how it all came together!!  

Karen Sommerfield has been hiding from life-immersing herself in a high-powered job-until the day the company downsizes her out of a job and the doctor tells her that she may have cancer. It's a double blow that sends Karen on a search for herself in the last place she ever thought to look: Grandma Rose's old farm.  As Karen's hectic schedule falls away, she opens up to the unexpected. In the quiet of the Missouri Ozarks, she hears the soft, secret language of the sycamore trees, and discovers answers and a joy to make her life complete.  (picture and description from amazon.)

Now?  Well, its time for Book Club book, which is a modern day murder mystery.  Oh yeah, bring it on ....


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