Friday, January 9, 2015

The Bibliographic dilemma and how Heart of Clay (book #1) won, but I lost ....

So see, it was after Christmas and I had a bibliographic dilemma.  In one corner I have two piles of series books to read.  One of the piles has about 4 or 5 books which are from my mom that I will return whenever I finish reading them.  The other pile is a monstrous stack of discards from our church library that has about 15-20 books in it and from what I gather follows a family from Pilgrims thru the World Wars.  Historical Fiction at its best!!  Those books, however, once completed will be going on to McKays. Unless, of course, I fall madly in love with them and must find a way to build more bookshelves!!  In another corner (actually under my nightstand) I have a pile of about 15 more books written by June Masters Bacher, an older author I love that are all pioneer fiction/romance.  I think there are about 4 series with a few books in each one.  I am never getting rid of those because I will never be able to get them back again.  They are all old and most certainly out of print.  Then in the final corner (actually beside my bed) is the Paperwhite, now holding over 100 books just waiting anxiously to be read.  Last but not least there is the Book Club book, but I didn't want to start reading that too soon because I will probably forget what it was about and get it mixed up with whatever book I read after that before the third Tuesday. 

Sigh, you can see the dilemma.  My plan is to work through the series books this year, reading one in between a regular book.  In other words, saying I started with Mom's books, I read book 1, read a PW book, read book 2, etc. Then when her series is finished I move on.  Now, to add more information to the dilemma, I am also trying to clear out these piles that my husband can not stand to save his life. 

So in theory I should start the long series since those books will be going away.  But I just wasn't in the mood to start that.  What I really wanted to do was read the pioneer books, since I'm in such a pioneer mood, but I knew those books were not going away.  So while debating this one night with Katie, and reviewing the 10 page list of all the books I have on my Paperwhite, I settled on reading Heart of Clay, then will move on to Book Club book, then .... well, I'm just not sure. 

This book I did not enjoy. It may  have just been I was just so flustered about which one to pick, or maybe because I don't think the summary truly defined what it was about, or maybe I thought it would be about something else, but I puttered through.  My kids think I am crazy wasting my time on books I don't like when there are so many others out there calling my name, but I am a stick with it hoping it gets better book.  Probably says a lot about my personality too.

Strong-willed, successful and determined, Callan Matthews lives the facade of a happy, wonderful life. Unfortunately, unbridled chaos runs amuck in the deep, dark places of her heart as she struggles to keep herself together. Her once beloved husband, Clay, tugs relentlessly at the last few threads keeping her from completely unraveling. His laid-back attitude only serves to drive her further away instead of drawing her back into his arms.
Easy-going cowboy Clay Matthews is a respected college professor. He's the man family and friends turn to for help, or when they need a good laugh, since he's a huge tease and practical joker. Life would be almost perfect, except for his relationship with his wife. Clay is completely baffled by Callan. He thought he knew everything there was to know about this woman but she's turned into a mystifying female he barely understands. He'd give just about anything to recapture the feelings they used to share, but she seems to want no part of it. Just when he decides to get to the root of the problem no matter the outcome, he discovers a secret she kept from him that's too painful to bear and too big to forgive. Will their love be strong enough to withstand a revelation that could rock the foundation of their marriage? (picture and description at amazon)

Now we are on to our Book Club Book!!  Here's hoping for happy reading!


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