Monday, December 7, 2020

Shattering Secrets, book #37

I have to admit, when I saw this book my friend picked out for Book Club this month, I wasn't convinced I would like it.  We are supposed to be reading a Christmas book this month and this poor girl on the front, with no Christmasy looking decorations on it did NOT look like something I was going to enjoy.  Well, I thought, at least it only has 289 pages so maybe I can suffer through.  But with reading the Bible through this year as well I have been pretty picky about fiction books I pick up.  Once I went back to work in late June I've had to make hard decision with my time reading.  Ugh!  Sigh .... Since I got caught up on my Bible reading I decided to plunge in and get it over with.  

It took a while to get into, mainly because the only time I had to pick it up to read was about 10:30 at night in bed ~ where I would read about 5 minutes and fall asleep.  But once I really got into it, I was hooked!  

But then ~ THIS HAPPENED in the plot!!  (not giving it away!)

And then ~ THAT HAPPENED!!

And then  ... and then .... well, you know how it goes.  Even though my heart was grieving for the characters, I had to keep going.  Forget wrapping presents, going shopping, etc.  I HAD to stick with these guys to see how it was all going to end!  

An annual Christmas project sends a professional blogger in search of a little boy's one and only Christmas wish--his father--and unearths a story with the potential to rip apart a family forever.  

It’s a truth universally unacknowledged that sin will hunt you down and advertise its presence the moment you try to hide it.  

Davia Cordell came to Rockland for one purpose–find her son’s father before she dies. An ex-prostitute, she’s well aware that the news will cause waves, but what’s a mother to do?  As these women join forces to search for Joey’s father–a Rockland area pastor, no less– Emily learns compassion for a woman who just wants the best for her son and can’t quite imagine that Jesus wants anything to do with her.  

Each day, Davia weakens until Emily isn’t confident that she’ll find the boy’s father in time–if at all.  Doubts form. Should she even look?  Is it right to risk destroying a family like this? What about what this will do to the father’s church? 

 A mother’s love. A boy’s confidence. A family’s faith. A preacher’s failure. Is redemption even possible anymore? (picture and descripton from Amazon)

You will want to read this book.  Trust me on this.  It will make you think long and hard about what decision you would make for yourself.

Keep Reading, even when you can't judge a book by its cover!




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