Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Kids' Allowances : How Much, How Often, and How Come, Book #31

Ok, since I am being honest about sharing ALL the books I read this year, no matter what, I'll admit this one was also on my list.  Roger and I "read" this on our way to the beach back in July hoping to glean some valuable information.  Alas, we did not get the free workbook as this was purchased at the library used book sale for about 50 cents.  

This book is basically a fleshing out of a survey that was done by adults and kids about 14 or 15 years ago, divided into various areas like (1) how do you come up with the amounts? (2) how much allowance do you give? (3) how often do you give allowance? (4) what factors go into consideration, etc etc etc.  After that a few experts share what they think and then the author, David McCurrach, shares "Dave's Way."  
Unfortunately it did not answer or solve our allowance debate.  In one camp you have those who say, "give kids money with no strings attached and teach them how to handle it" whether it be an envelope system, various bank accounts, investments, or whatever.  We are not completely in that camp, although we do feel we need to teach them about money management.  In the other camp you have those who say allowance should be tied to chores, whether it be a blanket amount, or price per chore.  Here is my challenge with that.  First of all, I don't want to nickle and dime each thing around the house.  You also have to take into consideration not only was it done, but was it done well.  Is it the same amount no matter what?  Do different aged children get paid different amounts for the same job?  How do you keep track of all that?  Is it fair that only one child can iron clothes, clean bathrooms, etc because she is the oldest one? Also, we have made it quite clear that schoolwork is their job, LifeWay stuff is daddy's job, and house work is my job.  As a stay at home mom, I feel like it is my job to keep the house and all that goes along with it taken care of.  Yet, I want to teach my girls how to wash clothes, iron, dust, etc too.  

And then our heads start spinning and we drop the book and conversation and run away as fast as we can.  

However, our oldest child is at a point where she needs money.  I'd love for her to get some babysitting jobs or something so she can earn someone else's money and not mine, but that hasn't happened yet.  Even though the other two really have no need for extra money, no item they are dreaming off, saving up for, etc (except hot chocolate at the World Cafe at church) does that mean they shouldn't get any money?  And with the times the way they are, apparently 50 cents isn't enough for drying dishes and putting them away one night.  They don't see the cost/benefit worth it.  

Wait, run away fast again ......

And here we sit.  

Maybe if you are interested you could borrow this book from me, or find one for yourself at a used book sale.  Maybe you will have more luck with it.  


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