Thursday, February 26, 2015

Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, books #19 - #21

Yes, we are certainly moving right along.  Little books like these make it easy to fly through and feel like you are making real progress.  In fact, if I keep up, by next Friday I'll be half way done!

This book sort of gives us an overview of what is going on now and about the rebuilding of the temple.  When preparing for our trip to Thailand, we did an extensive study of Ezra and Nehemiah and it really helped me understand all things that happened.  There was a lot of opposition from the local areas, mainly because they were afraid the Jews would band together again and go to battle against the kings.  But the Lord was good and protected them and gave them favor in the eyes of the oppressors.  

What is not to love about Nehemiah?  He is sad about the walls being in disarray, and when the king (who he worked for) asked him why he was so sad, he told him he wanted to go back and rebuild the walls.  So .... Nehemiah didn't even have to ask and the king gave him everything he needed to do it! Everyone worked together on the rebuilding, even goldsmiths, perfume makers, merchants, everyone worked on the part by their house.  Naturally there was opposition again, but the LORD proved Himself victorious again.  After it was rebuilt Ezra (from the last book!) reread the Book of the Law for several days and the people realized how sinful they had been.  There was weeping and gnashing of teeth and a huge repentance, then a signed agreement that they would do better.  

And then we come to the lovely Queen Esther.  That story never ceases to amaze me and remind me that with the LORD's help we truly can do anything in HIS will.  It also reminds me that sometimes we are put in situations that might not make sense to us, but we are put there for a reason, "for such a time as this" (4:15)  

Keep reading!


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